About the Author



Eva K Warren


Eva K was born in Canberra in 1944. Until the age of twelve, she lived in the working-class suburb of Westlake where her first fictional novel A Dream in a Teacup is set.

She was educated by the Good Samaritan nuns at St Christopher’s School in Manuka and through no fault of the good sisters, Eva spent most of her classroom time, dreaming and gazing out the window. She left school at the age of fourteen, frustrated that her poor standard of literacy meant that her dreamt up stories would probably never be written down.

In her late thirties, she went to night-school and studied English and creative writing in the hope that she would eventually be able to make these stories and characters come to life. These dreams were put aside when she went to University, gained a Bachelor of Arts in Social Welfare and worked in aged care until the age of sixty. Upon retiring, her restless seeking led her to further study and she completed her Masters in Theology, Ageing and Spirituality.

Only then did she have the courage to attempt writing the story that had been demanding to be told. Three years ago, after joining a writers group, she put aside numerous drafts and wrote A Dream in a Teacup. Eva is aware that her novel will not be nominated for any literary awards, but she knows that the women of Westlake’s stories, their joys and sorrows speak just as eloquently in today’s society as they did in 1949.